With a sizeable contribution from the Mohsin & Fauzia Jaffer Foundation, the Jaffer Institute for Interfaith Dialogue and Education was established in 2019 as an endowment in perpetuity within the Miami-Dade College Foundation at Wolfson Campus.
The Jaffer Institute’s primary mission is to serve as a dynamic college-wide educational hub for studying the global Muslim world and functions as an interfaith bridge-builder and platform for dialogue. The Institute will act as a platform and vehicle to foster dialogue, understanding and awareness around issues of Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, racial harmony, environmental justice, gender equality, multiculturalism, and faith-oriented diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Institute’s aim is to achieve these objectives by streamlining and strengthening community-engaged activities aimed at reinforcing harmony and friendship through intellectual dialogue in South Florida’s multi-faith and multi-cultural community.
Through collaboration with MDC, the Institute will also develop, offer and promote new courses at the intersection of Islam and the modern world, women’s rights, interfaith dialogue, among others. These courses will have the broad objective of generating an inclusive and broad-minded intellectual environment conducive to embracing diversity and building capacity to understand the pressing and topical issues related to the contemporary Muslim world.